VirtuaPin plunger kit customers: please read the warning below before proceeding
If you have your KL25Z in hand, the easiest way to get started is with the Pinscape Config Tool:
If you don't have a KL25Z yet, you can learn about the Pinscape project at the mbed project page.
The Pinscape Config Tool on Windows normally checks for updates and downloads them for you automatically, but you can also manually download the latest versions here.
Note: This firmware update turned up an error in DOF, so you'll also need to update DOF to a September 2024 (or later) release, available on the DOF updates page.
See the release history below for a summary of changes.
The source code for the firmware and config tool are available in online version control systems. You can build the firmware via the mbed online compiler, and you can build the config tool with the free Community Edition of Visual Studio on Windows.
If you bought a VirtuaPin plunger or controller kit that came with a KL25Z board, please don't install Pinscape before reading this warning. Installing the Pinscape firmware on your KL25Z will erase and replace your pre-installed VirtuaPin firmware. The KL25Z can only have one firmware program installed at a time, so loading Pinscape or any other new firmware will erase your existing VirtuaPin firmware, and you won't be able to restore it without sending the device back to VirtuaPin. VirtuaPin doesn't allow you to install their firmware at home, because they're worried that you'd illegally share copies if they let you download it. The only way you can restore their firmware is to physically ship the board back to the store and ask them to reinstall it.
Apart from that practical issue, I should also point out that the Pinscape software was never meant to be a replacement for the VirtuaPin firmware. The VirtuaPin product is a full hardware system with its own wiring and peripheral devices (such as their plunger sensor), and the VirtuaPin firwmare is tailored to that particular hardware setup. The Pinscape firmware is designed for the Pinscape DIY hardware setup. VirtuaPin's kit does happen to include the same retail KL25Z that Pinscape uses, but it comes with that proprietary firmware pre-installed. If you want a KL25Z for running Pinscape, I'd recommend just buying a separate "blank" KL25Z - they're only about $15, and readily available from several vendors, such as Mouser, Amazon, and eBay. With a "blank" KL25Z, you won't have to erase any pre-installed firmware that you paid extra for.
With those warnings in mind, if you're absolutely sure that you don't want to continue using the VirtuaPin firmware, the Pinscape firmware will work as a replacement, since it's built for the same KL25Z board and has equivalents of all of the main features. As of the June 2021 Pinscape firmware release, Pinscape also supports the sensor that comes with VirtuaPin's v3 plunger kit (the Vishay VCNL4010 proximity sensor), so you can keep your plunger setup as well if you migrate. (Note that this isn't true of the older VirtuaPin kits prior to v3, since those came with different sensor chips that Pinscape doesn't have support for. If you want to keep using your VirtuaPin plunger, make sure you have the VCNL4010-based kit before committing to this plan. Look for the printed legend VCNL4010 on the little circuit board at the end of your plunger assembly.) You'll also have the option to switch to any of the several other plunger sensors that Pinscape supports, but that's up to you.
I'm often asked whether or not it's a good idea to update your system when a new version comes out. There's the obvious trade-off with any new software release: "ooh, shiny and new!" versus "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
My usual advice is yes, get the latest, unless you have an unusual situation that makes upgrading difficult or impossible. There are several reasons:
This section lists past releases of the firmware and config tool. If you run into a bug in a new update, you can revert to an older version below. But please let me know if you do this, because I might not otherwise hear about the bug!
It's better to use matching versions of the firmware and config tool if possible (that is, both from the same release date). I try to maintain compatibility across versions between the config tool and firmware, so it should be okay to mix versions if you have a good reason, but it's still better to use a matching set when possible to ensure that both pieces of software are working with the same feature set. New UI features in the Config Tool often depend upon corresponding new functions in the firmware, so you might not see a new feature in the UI (or it might be limited, or not work properly) if you have older firmware installed.
Config tool: Unpack the .zip file into a folder on your PC's hard disk. Open the folder. Double-click the "PinscapeSetupTool.exe" application file.
Firmware: Run the Config Tool. Click the "Update" button in the device list entry for the controller you'd like to update. Select the downloaded file when the tool asks which .bin file to install.